Kihon Happo

•Consists of the Koshi Kihon Sanpo and the Torite Goho

Koshi Kihon Sanpo

Ichimonji no Kata : Jodan Uke - Omote Shuto
•Hicho no Kata : Gedan Uke - Zenpo Keri - Ura Shuto
•Jumonji no Kata : Migi Jodan Uke - Migi Boshi Ken - Migi Shaku Ken - Koho Tobi - Hidari Jodan Uke - Hidari Boshi Ken - Hidari Shaku Ken - Koho Tobi - Kosei no Kamae

Torite Goho

•Ura gyaku: inside hand lever
•Omote gyaku: outside hand lever
•Omote gyaku tsuki: outside hand lever with punch
•Musha dori: "Catching the warrior" arm crook lever
•Muso Dori: arm stretching lever

Gogyo no Kata / Sanshin no Kata

•Chi no Kata (Earth) : Jodan Uke - Sanshin Tsuki
•Sui no Kata (Water) : Jodan Uke - Omote Shuto
•Ka no Kata (Fire) : Jodan Uke - Ura Shuto
•Fu no Kata (Wind) : Gedan Uke - Boshi Ken
•Ku no Kata (Void) : Gedan Uke - Shaku Ken, Zenpo Keri

Gyaku Waza

•Omote Gyaku: outside hand lever
•Ura Gyaku: inside hand lever
•Muso Dori: arm stretching lever
•O Gyaku: large lever
•Hon Gyaku: tilting hand lever (breaking the bamboo)
•Onikudaki / Ura Onikudaki: arm crook lever (crushing the devil)
•Musha Dori / Ura Musha Dori: arm crook lever (catching the warrior)
•Ganseki Nage / Ura Ganseki Nage: throw ( throwing the big rock)


•Seiza no Kamae
•Fudoza no Kamae
•Shizen no Kamae
•Jumonji no Kamae
•Hoko no Kamae
•Hira Ichimonji no Kamae
•Ichomonji no Kamae
•Doko no Kamae
•Ihen no Kamae
•Kosei no Kamae
•Hicho no Kamae

Strikes and body weapons:

•Shitan ken: all fingertips
•Omote shute: outside hand chop
•Ura shuto: inside hand chop
•Fudo ken: clenched fist
•Shikan ken: extended knuckle fist
•Koppo ken: thumb knuckle fist
•Shako ken: claw hand
•Shuko ken: hand backside
•Boshi ken: thumb driven fist
•Shi shin ken: finger needle strike
•Shitan ken: finger tip strike
•Happa ken: hand palm strike
•Shuki ken: elbow strike
•Sokuyaku keri: heel kick
•Sokki ken/Hicho keri: knee strike
•Sokugyaku keri: toe strike
•Kikaku ken: head
•Tai ken: body strike
•Shizen ken: teeth, nails,...

Counting & Shinzen Rei

Counting in Japanese

1 一 ichi
2 一ni
3 一san
4 一shi/yon
5 一go
6 一roku
7 一shichi/nana
8 一hachi
9 一ku
10 一ju

Shinzen Rei

•"Seiza" : Assume Seiza no Kamae in a row in front of your sensei.
•"Mokuso" (optional depending on Dojo/Sensei) : Meditation in the tradition of Zazen.
•"Mokuso Yame" (optional depending on Dojo/Sensei) : Stop Meditation.
•"Shikin Harimitsu Daikomyo" ("every experience contains the potential for the enlightenment we seek"): clap twice, bow, clap once more, bow.
•"Onegai Shimasu" ("please" as in "please let me train with you") : before training - bow to your sensai.
•"Domo Arigato Gozaima shita" ("thank you very much") : after training - bow to your sensai.

Taihenjutsu Ukemi Gata

Taihenjutsu Ukemi Gata

Kaiten (Rolls) Nagare (Flow) Ukemi (Breakfalls) Tobi (Jumps)
Zenpo Kaiten Zenpo Nagare Zenpo Ukemi Zenpo Tobi
Koho Kaiten Koho Nagare Koho Ukemi Koho Tobi
Yoko Kaiten Yoko Nagare Yoko Ukemi Yoko Tobi
Oshiro Kaiten Oshiro Nagare Yokonagashi Zenpo Ukemi Tenchi Tobi
Ju Kaiten Ashi Nagare